Saturday, 30 August 2014

interpretation ... 22.33pm

1960s Greyhound bus. Living off the fat of the land 

in faded jeans and maxi skirts the sleepy buzz 

of free love 

yesterdays Scrabble story 

if si fib tubes fats fade homey worn tour navel rite ex us sim 

gus ta maxi ad gad in tape woke do note pile hint nap ah tace 


how do you feel when a seagull swoops on your food? 


Friday, 29 August 2014

I don't mind fake boob and tummy tucks

what i can't stand is those botox lips ... 

they make the whole thing look really trashy 


poetry is to take something important 

and to decorate it 

Thursday, 28 August 2014

yesterdays Scrabble story 

rave, yew cherry rated sag fate fated deem ban raver cud nod quin

wig jog ban yap steal wigs rill fit big tier if tin 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

todays Scrabble story 

goes, git, arose, looter, goes, nails, fear, nob, git, nosey, newer , 

wed, play, hewed, hit, tao, din, if, rid, so , pi , oi, id, la 

Monday, 25 August 2014


how do you find out if an Australian had to resit his exams ? 


Saturday, 23 August 2014

some of the internet stuff I got involved in was quite competitive 

and then you start to see yourself from the outside 

instead of experiencing your sexuality from within 


Wednesday, 20 August 2014


on Come Dine with Me , the person who goes first has an advantage in that 

they can then be very rude on other nights 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

yesterdays Scrabble story 

zap, kip, set, zen, bank, inlet, lug, get, sin, try, cry , we ,wild, bad, getter, orc, fairer, go of ,claw, God, dam, damp, took, aft, jot, ire, boat, duet, quid, bang, be , el, la, in, yah, ha, ow, don, ursa, hid, nab, 


the glamour of sex replaced by the fresh joy of a teenager, 

I've just come home from a psychiatric hospital and am expected to run the family. If i turn that into a positive, its amazing that people should think i can do these things 

confusing the affectionate side of sex with mothering

starfish park, art wave 2014 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

sex n the stix


so i end up in love with two people 

and acting out with someone else that i am not in love with 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

yesterdays scrabble story 

quits,  vox, nib,li, wow, moody , it, un, in, ill, uni, kegs, naga, rave, motor, wet, fox, fe, warn, ah, wow, zoo, size, sizes, si, uni, duty, depict, amen,  nib, pond, id, raced, chav, poser, quite, rude, fault, brief, up, lo, gate, agate, 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

todays Scrabble story 

drew, warps, slap, stone, drove, bid, big, worn, tooth, nag, nude, kit, detain, 

fool , mime, mirage, jay, ex, hex, he , face, reef, tis, 

Monday, 4 August 2014

In fact it feels a bit like a vortex/whorlpool as if 

she is like a mermaid syren wailing at me to join her 

Friday, 1 August 2014

010814 scrabble story 

vault, dub, jade, waited , dank , grin , singe, wet, wove, con, roses, dye, fat, big, hex, rashly , clog, cox, cam, upper, mama, harp , rut, fur, ten , it, file, oil, no , no oh, toe, 

hairyfairy hippy , a degree gives you a wooly airy fairy head 

a degree is counter productive to your effectiveness, you are susceptible to being psychoanalysed because your brain sort of locks onto it ... having ruined my supremacy at scrabble he is now there to comfort me ... there there dear ... 

scrabble is a great way to get to know people ... he knows what he is doing in an impish kind of way