26 November 2012 3:31AM
Response to imperium, 26 November 2012 3:09AM
EU directives didn't protect us from Vince Cable in effect abolishing unfair dismissal protections. Instituting an anti-democratic technocracy is not a good way to achieve progressive goals, all we have to do is wait for labour to get back into power and hold their feet to the fire.
What we shouldn't do is back what is probably the most blatantly corporatist, neoliberal pro-IMF government entity in thee world. What the EU gives with one hand (working time directive) it takes away (and more) with the other (flooding Britain with hordes of cheap labour, thus destroying this country's working class and an effective "bottom" for the labour market)
and her is lewis summers sniffing about for footage of my bedroom to feed to the vacant corpse of claire perry