Saturday, 8 March 2025

word jam : fat shamers are light weights

edited 080325 , copyright of Lizarikk , i opt out of having it fed into AI

you wont be bored with a nice guy
if hes being himself
Fangry , anger from sexual frustration
He's like a fine wine
I got turned on by a swingers programme
N then a trough of despair
There was a thunder and a shining cat
8 minutes ending with a coming together

n yeah my best experiences
where the guy has sensitivity
and is creatiive about it x
who do foreplay with their dick

I was colourful
Doing another girl on tv
whn he entered me and dis a fucking
N watched some porn and music
N made a film
That's well to do
N ended with a coming together

N stormy too
Dev has this divine love
ive seen him handling a politician
as though he were a baby
playing with the guys arms
full of forgiveness he was
no trace of bitterness
hed love everyone and anyone
and full of faith
in the divine essence in all things

hes a magician

i love the way he is
there and not there at the same time
you cant really label him or pin him down

ive had to fight with psychopaths
fat shamers are light weights

n ive blistered my hand

n i will not forgive what theyve done
to my vulnerable friend

He rubbed it on all the spots
N ended with a fucking
N im on that raft
It's the end of the world
I'll soon be dead
And this is not possible
He said he liked the smell

C spot , d spot , e f g like different notes on a flute
I even got Andy to do a bit of foreplay !
Kept going back to that
Tried a butterfly garment
But the ending was made at the f spot
With him telling me I'd asked for it
25 minutes to hells bells

Killer orgasm
N people watching me die
After the fire-breath
There's just annihilation
Toral danger
N only one exit

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