Another scathing view of the Tory leader drowning in shallow water from the matchless Martin Rowson, a terrific satirical artist - not just a cartoonist - whose extraordinary vision of this terrifying, Etonian-de haut en bas government is the stuff of history and the prime Monday Guardian pleasure.If only we could have more of Rowson and less of the over-rated, juvenile, shit-obsessed Steve Bell.
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Another scathing view of the Tory leader drowning in shallow water from the matchless Martin Rowson, a terrific satirical artist - not just a cartoonist - whose extraordinary vision of this terrifying, Etonian-de haut en bas government is the stuff of history and the prime Monday Guardian pleasure.If only we could have more of Rowson and less of the over-rated, juvenile, shit-obsessed Steve Bell.***********proof that burks unbrinngint wasw a bit umm physically inhibited shall we say in the freudian sense ...