Saturday, 2 February 2013

loves hunting because, he likes ". . . the trees . . . the way the trees are . . ." The recurring theme of "one shot", which is how Mike prefers to take down a deer, is introduced

raises his glass and says "fuck it" to everyone's shock and amazement

After being restrained by the others from starting a fight

Steven and Angela drink from conjoined goblets

it is believed that if they drink without spilling any wine, they will have good luck for life

00.15, 3.02.13. 

runs through the streets of town, stripping himself naked
Nick chases him down and begs him not to leave him "over there" if anything happens

Mike, Nick, Stanley, John, and Axel go deer hunting one last time, and Michael again scores a deer with "one shot"

 a tense match

The three float downriver on a tree branch
Steven breaks both legs in the fall
he stops a South Vietnamese military truck and places the wounded Steven on it, asking the soldiers to take care of him. Nick, who is psychologically damaged, recuperates in a military hospital in Saigon

aimlessly stumbles

At one point, he encounters Julien Grinda, a champagne-drinking friendly Frenchman outside a gambling den where men play Russian roulette for money. Grinda entices the reluctant Nick to participate, and leads him into the den. Mike is present in the den, watching the game, but the two friends do not notice each other at first. When Mike does see Nick, he is unable to get his attention. When Nick is introduced into the game, he grabs the gun, fires it at the current contestant, and then again at his own temple, causing the audience to riot in protest. Grinda hustles Nick outside to his car to escape the angry mob

struggles with his feelings

Mike goes hunting with Axel, John, and Stanley one more time, and after tracking a deer across the woods, takes his "one shot" but pulls the rifle up and fires into the air

Mike visits Steven, who has lost both of his legs and is partially paralyzed. Steven reveals that someone in Saigon has been mailing large amounts of money to him, and Mike is convinced that it is Nick
He tracks down Grinda, who has made a lot of money from the Russian roulette-playing Nick
Nick appears to have no recollection of his friends

Mike sees the needle tracks on Nick's arm

He realizes that Nick thinks that he and Steven are dead, since he is the only one who made it back on the helicopter Mike enters himself in a game of Russian roulette against Nick, hoping to jog Nick's memory and persuade him to come home, but Nick's mind is gone. In the last moment, after Mike's attempts to remind him of their hunting trips together, he finally breaks through, and Nick recognizes Mike and smiles. Nick then tells Mike, "one shot", raises the gun to his temple, and pulls the trigger. The bullet is in the gun's top chamber, and Nick kills himself

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