I'm aware that this has nothing to do with the cartoon - so please forgive me.There is an article by Shiv Malik, tucked away in the Politics section.It's about sick and disabled people being expected to work even though they have been judged unfit to do so by Atos/DWP. Some of us have been warning about this for a while now, but the new rules start on Monday. The article should, IMHO, be on the front page.Monday is also International Day for People with Disability.Never let it be said that irony is dead.Monday will also see campaigners and interested parties observing a two-minute silence at 11.00 hrs GMT to remember the victims of the draconian regime some of us live under.More information - atosvictimsgroup.co.uk or blacktrianglecampaign.orgIt would be nice to think that some of my friends here will join me in a moment or two of reflection on Monday for all those who have taken their own lives or died with no support.Thank you.
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Succinct and to the point CartoonistRowson... If only our so called political leaders had an ounce of your integrity and political ingenuity!
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Response to WellmeaningBob, 1 December 2012 7:39PMNot far wrong there Mr Wellmeaning One - as he showed when trying to continue the war theme on the home political front during his 1945 election campaigning..."Churchill's statement that Attlee's programme would require a Gestapo-esque body to implement is considered to have been particularly poorly judged"