Response to afancdogge, 11 September 2012 1:39AM
this is a norwegian prostitute who has been sent to follow me in recovery meetings. she is not welcome to my intimate footage ...
Response to CautiousOptimist, 10 September 2012 8:47PM
1400 000 000 /50 000 000 = 28
Ideas 10-11 September
Not for the army because they are hollow point and go against the Geneva Convention.
In the interests of pedantry, could I correct your common misconception - they were actually outlawed by the Hague Convention, long before the Geneva one.
(but if you want to shoot deer in the UK, you must use them, so maybe they'll ship them over here for a cull)
As for the numbers there's 50m gun owners in the USA, so that's less than 30 rounds each.
Recommended (1)
Some thoughts:-
It's a misprint: Universal credit pogrom.
The system will crash and burn on the first day's input.
No internet access: just use your local library... oh
Lucky somebody is setting up food banks across the country